Isaiah 61:4 And they shall rebuild the old ruins. They shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities. The desolations of many generations.
Unashamed Outreach Ministry
Launched in August 2017. Although it was founded in 2006 as an outreach. Our church was launched in 2017.
Pastoral family

We meet every Sunday at 10:30 AM at 107 Hastings Street, Staten Island, NY 10305. Please join us. Check out our special events calendar.
We invite you to come visit us our friendly, caring, growing church.
Our mission is to train, equip and educate to advance the kingdom of God. We believe our church has been called by God to help restore and reconcile families and individuals to Christ.
They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations
Isaiah 61: 4
Our vision is to equip, educate and train others to help fulfill the purposes in which God has called them. To create an atmosphere filled with the Holy Spirit's power that will break generational curses and cause his people to be passionate about reaching others for Christ. Passionate about God's holy presence and a love for the bible. We believe that many will grow with us and be used greatly to train others through the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Our God has no limits and we are open to do his will. We welcome every tribe, nation and language to grow with us as a family of God.
After this I looked, and behold, before me was a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb Revelation 7:9
We are confident that the Lord is with us as he was with NEHEMIAH. (Nehemiah 2:18)We are arising to build up people to understand who they are according to God's word in the bible. The word of God tells us that the Most High does not LIVE in houses made by human hands (Acts 7:48) heaven is his throne, and the earth is his footstool. He DESIRES that his SPIRIT will find a resting place within our HEARTS (Acts 7:49) This can only happen as we HUMBLE ourselves in prayer, read his word and gather together faithfully for his glory.
We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected in three days (1 Corinthians 15:4) We believe when we CONFESS your sins to God he is faithful and just to CLEANSE us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9) We believe that in order to be saved there must be a declaration with our mouths that JESUS IS LORD and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be SAVED. We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit which leads, guides and teaches believers how to live a life that pleases the father. We believe that the Holy Spirit can fill us and enable us to speak in tongues according to (Acts 2:4) A believer must ABIDE in Christ and TOGETHER we can GROW and fulfill our PURPOSE here on earth. We believe that Jesus came once according to John 3:16 but is COMING back again for those that are his (Hebrews 9:28)