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Meet Our Founder, Pastor Olga Robinson

Greeting in the name of the Lord:

My full name is Olga Lizzette Robinson I am forty six years old. As a child my nick name was "Tuttie". I grew up with my grandmother, grandfather and eleven aunts and uncles in Park Slope, Brooklyn. My big family did the best they could trying to care for me. Personally I was exposed to many different issues and struggles. As a child I loved to dance the hustle, salsa and meringue. My mom was only 14 when I was born, and my biological father did not want to be responsible for me. This led me to have many deep rooted issues with rejection, low self-esteem and insecurities. I began to look for love in all the wrong places and, at the age of 16, became pregnant.

I always believed there was a God, but was never shown what a true relationship with Jesus Christ looked like. At 23 years of age with one child age six and another on the way, I ended up depressed. I was not married and struggled so much financially. Raising two girls alone was very difficult I had made so many poor choices. One Friday night I walked into Park Slope Christian Center and found myself walking down the aisle to the altar to surrender my life to Lord, Jesus Christ. Immediately, things began to change in my life, some for the better and some I thought at the moment was for the worst. I became a disciple of Christ with the help of two or three woman leader's at the church. I served as a group leader for woman. Through the years I grew spiritually. This journey deposited within me a love for women mentoring women. I believe when your a teachable person skies the limit to your growth and potential. I met my husband, Kevin, a worship leader and we were married in 2001. Together we had two more beautiful children.

Throughout the last 23 years in this journey of getting to know my savior it has been a very interesting journey. I have spent many days in "the wilderness" going through difficult times of trials and testing. I have learned many different things about who God created me to be. God intended for us to enjoy our life no matter which season we are in, a good one or a difficult one. As I get older I am determined to continue moving forward, making the best of every opportunity.

I enjoy helping others, reading and spending time with loved ones. I enjoy sharing some of my experiences and life lessons with today's youth, woman and adults. As a result of my transparency I pray that other's may listen and grow more in their journey with Christ and place him FIRST in their lives.

I have been ministering in praise dance since 1999. I have attended many workshops, training and conferences on the art of dance. I have personally ministered in conferences, events, street outreaches, weddings and funerals. Dance is my passion and I endeavor to continue teaching, ministering and growing in this gift God has blessed me with for as long as he gives me breath and strength. At this current time my husband and I are Pastoring a church in Brooklyn. I am very excited to see the Lord raise up disciples that are in love with God's manifest and tangible presence. Disciples that love the word of God and desire to follow hard after God's truth.

At the present time, Kevin and I have four amazing children. Two are young adults and two are teenagers that serve in the ministry in the area of worship. Everything Unashamed team does we do for the honor and glory of God. We keep it real and down to earth so that people may understand the simplicity in Christ.

Our prayer is that lives will be changed and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit . God has done great things in my life and my family's life. God has been our savior, friend, healer, restorer and provider. We live to serve him and to glorify his name. We encourage people of every tribe, nation and language to give their lives fully to Jesus Christ. He makes all things beautiful in His time. Life can be difficult at times, but with God all things are possible. He makes things all things NEW. NOTHING IS USELESS IN HIS HANDS!

There is nothing in this world that can compare to having a real relationship with Jesus Christ. If you don't know him ASK Him to come into your heart and change you, ASK Him for forgiveness of sins. Ask the Holy Spirit to ABIDE in you. Romans 10:13 "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Next, get yourself a Bible and read the gospels of John, Matthew or Luke. If you can't get a Bible, contact us, we will mail you one. Lastly, find a local church that preaches the truth of God's word and grow there. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. You are welcome to visit our church family.

Jesus loves you and I love you, Love Pastor Olga.

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