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Nothing Is Impossible For God

There are days that I awake happy and excited about all that God is doing in my life. Today is not one of those days. Today I have to encourage myself in the Lord. I Will myself to PRAISE his name in spite of how I feel. Feelings and faith are two different things. If our focus is on the natural things around us, what we see and hear we can easily become discouraged, dismayed and fearful.

I am making a choice today to feed my spirit the word of God. I will remind him of his promises for me and my family. I will lift up a PRAISE in the midst of my uncertainties, pressures and temporary circumstances. Job said " THOUGH HE SLAY ME, YET WILL I TRUST HIM" (Job 13:15) I will also reach out to those around me that I know can speak a word of encouragement to me. I pray you do the same. God is always FAITHFUL when we LOOK to him and turn to him. What seems impossible for us, is not impossible for God. Look back at your life, most of us can say he has ALWAYS stepped in right on time.

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